


GMES-RUSSIA Project: Summary
Project Summary
Summary  Objectives & Approach  Expected Impacts

Scientific objectives and approach:
GMES-RUSSIA will produce a current assessment of EO and in-situ data capabilities, on-going research emphases and modelling approaches in Russia with respect to the GMES-tasks.

Workpackage 1000 deals with the coordination of the project, WP 2000 concerns data and information user requirements (WP 21000), methods, instruments and infrastructures for monitoring and data acquisition (WP 2200), knowledge gaps on environmental processes and limitations of current models (WP 2300), and the current capabilities and prospects of information technologies in Russia (WP 2400). WPs 3000 and 4000 follow WP 2000 since the assessment of socio-economic (WP 3000) and institutional (WP 4000) aspects can be better understood, observed and described after analyzing the technical-scientific pre-requisites and the demands of the Thematic Priority areas.

WP 3000 analyzis the socio-economic aspects with respect to the role of public funding and private initiatives, cost-benefit analyses (economic, technological, social, environmental) and the needs for awareness raising and education for end-users in Russia. WP 4000 investigates institutional, organisational and policy issues with respect to the impact of data policy on the access and use of data, as well as the role of policy and legislation for efficient monitoring and data acquisition facilities and elaborates the Russian monitoring infrastructures, independence/impartiality of data, and the organisations dealing with data acquisition and information production (complementarity, overlaps, gaps, inconsistencies).

WP 5000 encompasses the cross-comparison from an Assessment Structure perspective on the Thematic Priority research items: Land cover (WP 5100), Environmental Stress (WP 5200), Global Vegetation Monitoring (WP 5300), and Global Atmosphere Monitoring (WP 5400). WP 6000 (European GMES Link Reporting) and 7000 (Establishing an FP6 Russian GMES-network) are the responsibility of the coordinator to specifically address contact and information exchange with the relevant bodies and to establish a basis for further joint projects and support in general to European and Russian initiatives.

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